Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée
Understanding Points Name Series
This series consists of five individual modules, which can be purchased separately or as a complete package, including the introduction and all topics. You have the flexibility to deepen your understanding of Chinese Medicine at your own pace, whether by exploring a single module or engaging with the entire series.
Advanced Classes with Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée
Fundamental Chinese Medicine Concepts

Other Courses by Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée
Articles by Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée

志 zhi: A Many-fold Will
志 Zhi: A Manyfold Will By Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée In Chinese medicine, the will (zhi 志) is first perceived as one of the five spiritual powers (wu shen 五神) *1. Linked to the kidneys, the will is

Elation and Joy (喜 樂 – XI LE)
ELATION AND JOY -喜 樂 – XI LE By Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée Translation from the French by Laurence Mourey. ELATION – XI 喜 Elation and anger (xi nu 喜怒) Elation has traditionally been paired with anger:

Emotions According to the Huangdi Neijing By Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée Desires and passions are considered by the Chinese thinkers as the main obstacle to the true accomplishment of human life and the fulfilment of one’s destiny. They are
Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée Professional Resume
Senior sinologist Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée holds a Licence and Master Degree in Classical Literature (Paris-Nanterre), Licence and Master Degree in Philosophy (Paris-Nanterre) and D.E.A. in Chinese (Paris-Jussieu).
She has been studying Chinese and collaborating with Fr Claude Larre and Dr Jean Schatz since the ’70. Elisabeth has published numerous translations, books, booklets, transcripts of lectures, and articles. She is currently Dean of Study in the European School of Acupuncture (Ecole Européenne d’Acupuncture, Paris. Senior Lecturer of the E.E.A. (École Européenne d’Acupuncture). Lecturer on Chinese Philosophy in the Jesuit University in Paris (Centre Sèvres).
She is teaching Chinese Medicine texts to practitioners worldwide. Over the years, Rochat de la Vallée has been teaching in leading schools around the world, such as École Européenne d’Acupuncture, Jesuit University of Centre Sèvres, Paris, and the Nantes University of Medicine (medical school) in the context of the Acupuncture Inter-university Diploma. Elisabeth is a senior member of the Editorial Board of the Grand Ricci project and the Organization Committee of the triennial International Colloque of Sinology on the History of Chinese-Western Relationships until 2005.