Dr. Bartosz Chmielnicki MD
Graduated from the Silesian Medical Academy (now University) in 2002. In 2004, he finished an acupuncture course for doctors organized in Warsaw.
He started his work as an acupuncturist in Pain Management Clinic in Tychy. Treating many patients, he was looking for explanations he could not find in the western medical paradigm. Finished four-year lasting Chinese Medicine school in Cracow (2005-2009).
Bartosz has been practicing acupuncture for more than 10 years, he is the Co-founder of center for natural therapies – Compleo, and Silesian Academy of Acupuncture. President of Silesian Chapter and Board member of Polish Acupuncture Association (2007-2009), and a President of Classical Acupuncture Association (2010 – 2014). Author of seminars on acupuncture for physicians organized by Colleguim Medicum of Jagiellonian University in Cracow. Provides courses in the Czech Republic and Germany, lecturing in Poland, Czech Republic, Israel and Germany (Rothenburg congress 2017). Publishes articles, book chapters, educational posters, and a book about pulse diagnosis “Pulse Qualities in Chinese Medicine” (2015-Kiener-Verlag).
Courses by Bartosz Chmielnicki