Wu Xing: The Five Phases of Transformation
An Introduction to Constitutional Acupuncture
Course Overview
In this course, Rani Ayal introduces the five phases from the perspective of Constitutional Acupuncture.
Rani describes the energetic manifestations of 4 and 5; how does life show itself, and how do we experience it by looking at our surroundings? He explains what he sees as the core issue and most important part of understanding the five phases from a clinical point of view: how do we understand the way people experience things happening in their lives, as every one of us has a constitutional imbalance that can be diagnosed on this level of the five phases.
Taking this course, you will learn what the five phases are and where they come from, but mostly you will learn to understand how they create in us our human nature and our imbalances that manifest as diseases.

This course is available through a collaboration with ACUART, an international School of Classical Acupuncture.
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3.5 CEUs/PDAs

3.5 Hours


This course respects EMR-regulations