First Name | Prof. Heiner Fruehauf Ph.D., L.Ac. |
Nickname | ProfHeiner |
Speaker Bio | Heiner Fruehauf has researched Chinese culture and medicine for 38 years, and holds a PhD from the Dept. of East Asian Languages and Civilizations at the University of Chicago. He is the Founding Professor of the School of Classical Chinese Medicine at National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon, where he has taught and practiced since 1992. He lectures in North America, Europe and China, and has authored a wide variety of articles and textbooks on Chinese medicine. His interest in preserving some of the traditional features of Oriental medicine led him to develop a database dedicated to the archiving of classical knowledge, where a selection of his publications can be accessed (ClassicalChineseMedicine.org). His strong belief in the clinical efficacy of Chinese herbal medicine lead him to found the Hai Shan Center, a clinic in the Columbia River Gorge specializing in the treatment of difficult and recalcitrant diseases. Out of concern over the rapidly declining quality of medicinals from mainland China, he has founded the company Classical Pearls that specializes in the import of wild-crafted and sustainably grown Chinese herbs (ClassicalPearls.org). |
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