Don’t Be Afraid to Treat Oncology Patients
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Gain the knowledge, skills & tools to treat cancer patients safely and with confidence
- Western medical oncology
- Cancer – Chinese medical perspective
- Research & evidence for TCM oncology
- The important role of Oncology Acupuncture in cancer care
- Gain confidence in treating cancer patients
- Expert points & protocols for effective cancer treatments
- Reduce side effects of conventional cancer care
- Optimum nutrition for cancer patients
- Build safe, effective treatment plans
- Diagnose early signs of cancer – including red flags
- Improve patients quality of life
- Communicate effectively with cancer patients and medical staff
Sometimes there is a fear to treat a person with cancer. There have been many misconceptions about oncology and acupuncture. Haven’t we all heard of it in our basic Chinese medicine training?
Well, the truth is more complex and more simple than that.
There is so much evidence that acupuncture and Chinese medicine can support people through their cancer journey, improve treatment side-effects and life quality. We should be proud of what we can offer them.
We don’t need to worry about treating oncology patients or patients who had had cancer.
In this webinar, Dr Yair Maimon, head of our Oncology Acupuncture International Program, talks about Chinese medicine and cancer and why we don’t need to be afraid of treating cancer patients and what we should be aware of when treating them.
The discussion is followed by some explanations and answers to professional and practical questions about the program (starting October 2021).
Course Reviews:
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Good knowledge,Thank you sir.

excellent answers from Dr Maimon.
Good audience questions and excellent answers from Dr Maimon.

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