145 five Element Acupuncture for Students 2024


Five Element Acupuncture Program

Student Homepage - 2024 Cohort

Welcome to the 5 Element Acupuncture Student Homepage! This is your central hub for the program, where you can access all the resources you need for a comprehensive learning experience.



Here’s you’ll find easy access to:

  • Live-Streamed Lectures: After each live session, we’ll upload the recordings within 48 Hours. Usually within 2 hours.
  • Curriculum and Schedules: Stay on track with our detailed curriculum and planned dates for each module.
  • Handouts and Materials: Essential handouts and supplementary materials are available to enhance your understanding. They are in their respective pages.  

You’ll have access to the content for at least one year, allowing you ample time to revisit and absorb the information. Remember, your goal is to complete the program by the end of the calendar year. 


Dive into the world of 5 Element Acupuncture with all these resources at your fingertips!

✅ One of the program’s greatest features is the live training in the system’s diagnostic and therapeutic ways.

Those sessions will include group discussions, exercises, demonstrations, activities in breakout rooms, and practical homework assignments between lectures.



Paris/CET: 18:00 | Pacific Time: 09:00 AM | Eastern Time: Noon | London: 17:00 | Brisbane: 02:00 AM (! Classes start the day after) | Mumbai: 21:30 | Cape Town: 18:00 


Please note: That is an international program. The times indicated might change during the program. 


To ensure the right timing, please compare to Paris/CET: 6:00 PM. 


Live meetings’ length varies; please mark them correctly in your calendars, or join our Google calendar here. They will be recorded and available for review for at least one year after the completion of the program


A live meeting with the program coordinator to review practicalities and requirements and clarify everything to do with CEUs & the website.

Introduction and meeting the speakers and participants
5 Elements/TCM Differences
Intro to the concept of CF

5 Element Resonance
Importance of Spirit and Emotions

Intro to Officials
Fire Official
Earth Official
Metal Official
Water Official
Wood Official

Click here to visit the course page

In this session, we explore the diagnostic process in five element acupuncture, contrasting it with the ten questions and eight principles of TCM.
We emphasize the development of our observational skills and senses to prepare for the practical aspect of the course and we also highlight the importance of establishing rapport in the treatment room, providing techniques to enhance it. Additionally, we cover how to evoke emotions in patients, when to encourage emotional expression, and how to assess emotional flow for diagnosis. Furthermore, we thoroughly examine the concept of joy, its equilibrium, and its relation to the ‘three principles’ and ‘five responses’ during small group practice sessions.

In the second part of this session, we focus on sympathy, understanding, and support, exploring their connection to the earth element and their role in addressing worry and overthinking. We practice delivering these emotions to patients and assessing their balance. We also consider our own emotional state for optimal patient care. Lastly, we explore facial color diagnosis based on the ‘five colors’ in five element acupuncture and its historical significance.

This session includes brief lectures, group discussions, exercises, demonstrations, activities in breakout rooms, and practical homework assignments between lectures.

In this Live class, we explore anger’s connection to the wood element, its purpose, manifestations, bodily sensations, and its full range from rage to depression. We delve into the framework of anger and its practical application. We practice observing anger’s flow and assessing its balance or imbalance through the five responses.

In the second part of this session, we investigate how emotions manifest on our faces, including emotional “leaks” and how chronic emotions can leave their mark. We explore recognizing “partial” emotional expressions on a patient’s face and how they resonate with our own facial experiences. We then delve into the emotions of the metal element, grief/sorrow, and respect/awe, understanding their functions, structures, and bodily sensations.

We also discuss when to observe emotions and when to elicit them in patients. Additionally, we examine the use of odors in diagnosis, acknowledging its challenges and strategies for improvement in clinical settings.

This session comprises concise lectures, group discussions, exercises, demonstrations, activities in breakout rooms, and practical homework assignments to be completed between lectures.

In this session, we explore diagnosing based on the ‘five sounds’ in five element acupuncture and recognizing these sounds. Emphasis is placed on listening to both the content and the tonality of our patients’ voices.

Additionally, we address fear, its function, structure, and bodily sensations. We practice assessing the flow of fear and its balance or imbalance in patients while underscoring the importance of being in an ‘aligned state’ when observing emotions.

In the second part of this session, we review our learnings, including the observation and elicitation of the seven emotions and building rapport in treatment rooms. Utilizing ‘slow motion emotion testing,’ we demonstrate these techniques, address questions, overcome challenges, and break the process down into manageable stages. Furthermore, we focus on creating opportunities and enhancing our ‘delivery’ to improve emotion testing. This session provides an opportunity for questions, demonstrations, and the consolidation of skills acquired thus far.

Throughout the session, you can expect concise lectures, group discussions, exercises, demonstrations, activities in breakout rooms, and practical homework assignments to complete between lectures.

Qi Transfers
Chinese Clock

Treatment blocks and present two important ones, Aggressive energy and Husband/Wife imbalance.

Also common treatment reactions will be discussed.

Entry-Exit blocks and possession.

Entry-exit blocks are based on the flow of Qi in the channels and organs as a circuit. The Entry-Exit points are the points connecting these channels and therefore are applied to clear blockages in the flow.

When talking about possession, the concept in Five Elements Acupuncture, includes physical as well as emotional causes and symptoms. We take a look at two special treatments called Internal and External Dragons and how to apply them.

Points Overview
Kidney chest points
Outer back shu points
Windows of Heaven
Intro to Spirit points
Heart, Small intestine points
Spleen, Stomach points
Lung, Large intestine points
Kidney, Bladder points
Liver, Gallbladder points
Pericardium, San jiao points

Needling and Moxa
Treatment Planing

Summer sale: Save up to $350 on all pre-taped CEU courses

Spend $100: save $20; Spend $250: save $65; Spend $500: save $150; Spend $1,000: save $350—applied automatically.
Sale ends 21st August!

Spring into Balance: A 30-Day Wood Element Exploration

Daily Insights into the Energetics of Spring – Transform Your Practice with the Wisdom of Wood