Courses ALL COURSES Search AlphabeticalNewly Created All Categories5 ElementsAcupunctureAcupuncture PointsAdjacent Modalities/TreatmentsAllopathic MedicineAncient TextsChinese HerbologyDiagnosisDigestive IssuesEthicsExtra VesselsGynecology/Women HealthIntegrative MedicineJapanese MedicineKampoMoxibustionNutritionOncologyOrthopedyPainPediatricsProfessional EnhancementResearch/Evidence Based MedicineShenTCMTCM Talks/Inspiration & More All InstructorsAcupuncture Now FoundationAcupuncture Relief ProjectAlaine D. Duncan, M.Ac., L.Ac., Dipl.Ac.Alexandra Schmidt-Kirchhoff, Dipl.AcAmos Ziv L.AcBob Quinn, DAOM, LAcBrechtje SebregtsCAM TEAMCT Holman, M.S., L.Ac.Charles BuckClare FoleyDaniel Bensky, DO.Danny BlythDanny Van LaethemDavid HartmannDeborah Woolf, LicAc, MBAcC, MADeirdre CourtneyDr Hartung MD & Dr Maimon PhDDr Julian Scott PhD, Ac.Dr Nina Fuller-Shavel MDDr Santhosshi Narayan MDDr Yan Liu PhDDr. Bartosz Chmielnicki MDDr. Beverley de Valois, PhDDr. Butch Levy MD, L.AcDr. Edward NealDr. Gil Barzilay PhDDr. Hamid Montakab MDDr. Hui Zhang, PhDDr. Ilias Christidis MDDr. Jaden KimDr. John McDonald, PhDDr. Julia Hartung MDDr. Maimon & Dr. Hartung MDDr. Maimon & OA TeamDr. Michael Weber, M.D.Dr. Michelle Hamilton, L.Ac.Dr. Misha Cohen OMDDr. Netanella Miller MD & Keren SelaDr. Nguyen Hong, MD, M.ScDr. Olivia Pojer MDDr. Qing HUANG PhD, MMed, BMedDr. Reginaldo de Carvalho Silva Filho, PhDDr. Stephen Birch PhDDr. Tom Fleischer Ph.D, Dip.CMDr. Umberto Mazzanti MD, Acupuncturist, OsteopathDr. Yair Maimon PhD OMD Ac.Dr. Zhen Dominique HertzerElisabeth Rochat de la ValléeEric Raymond BuckleyEva-Marie JaneloEvan RabinowitzEyal ShpringerFelip CaudetGil Ton Ph.DGiovanni MaciociaGuy, TCM AcademyHadassah Hilewitz, ND, MS, FABNOHasina ErderHila YaffeHila Yaffe & Orit ZilbermanICCM2021Iman Majd MD, MS, L.Ac ABoIMIris AbarbanelIzabela MietkaJ. Ross & L. Tan-Bleinroth MDJennifer A. M. Stone MSOM, LAcJeremy RossJhonathan Ronen Dip C.M (I.A TCM)John Scott, DOM , Dipl.Ac.Karine KedarKatherine Taromina, DACM., L.Ac.Kelly HarringtonKeren SelaLaurie Regan, ND, PhDLillian Pearl BridgesLorie Eve DecharLouis GordonMaria JeskanenMarian Nielsen JoosMartine CornelissenMatthew Bauer, L.Ac., Dipl. O.M.Matthew WeitzmanMaya Suzuki, L.Ac.Mel Hopper Koppelman, DAc, MScMichael BrownMichael FitzGerald L.Ac.Michelle Bombacie & Kenna BouvetMiriam Raich & Anat TzacharNienke Stoop, MD, MAc,Nik HaverkampNora Giese, MScOfir MichaelisOshri Zisman Dipl. CM (I.A.TCM)Patricia BockPedro AlbuquerquePeter DeadmanPeter MolePeter Mole & Danny BlythPeter TorssellPhilipp HaasProf. Elad Schiff, MDProf. Gilad Amiel MDProf. Heiner Fruehauf Ph.D., L.Ac.Prof. Paul UnschuldProf. Qiang Cao & Dr. Yun XiaoProf. Xiaoshu ZhuProfessor Noah Samuels MDRachel Cheng, RCMP (Hong Kong)Rachel Pagones, DAOM, LAcRani AyalRebecca AvernRebecca Avern & Dr Yair Maimon PhDRobert Hayden, DACM, LAcSandro Graca, Lic. TCMSharon Bar-GilShaun Goodman, Dipl. Ac.Shay SharabiTCM AcademyTirza Paytan SelaTzafrir Nachmani Dip. AcWayne Jonas, M.D.Weidong Lu, MB, MPH, PHDYael Saslove L.AcYu Guo-JunZ'ev Rosenberg旭亮 Liam Yan CEU/CPD 5 Sections An Integrative Chinese Medicine Approach to IVF Keren Sela Taking this course you will learn how to treat, confidently and with knowledge, women undergoing ART (Assisted Reproductive Techniques) focusing on IVF. Strengthen your understanding of female physiology and fertility. This course will teach you how to transfer western medicament and hormones into a Chinese Medicine vocabulary. CEU/CPD 1 Section Diagnosis and Treatment of PMS Due to Hypothyroidism Jhonathan Ronen Dip C.M (I.A TCM) In this course, we will focus on detecting this common root cause of PMS and practice with herbs (Chinese and western) combined with simple home and clinical tests in Chinese medicine and western Public Labs. This is a clinical herbal & nutritional lecture for thyroid, focusing on PMS, No acupuncture included in this lecture. CEU/CPD 2 Sections Facial Diagnosis & Gynecology: The Stories We Tell Lillian Pearl Bridges In this course, Lillian Pearl Bridges focuses on how the face corresponds with the organs and how to diagnose signs of strength and deficiency, fertility, & Jing. You can employ this information immediately to increase diagnostic skills & will support the ability to discern the effectiveness of treatments. 1 Section How Healing Works: And What it Means for Healthcare? Wayne Jonas, M.D. In this talk, Dr Jonas describes a simple, systematic approach called a HOPE (Healing Oriented Practices and Environments) visit, that helps patients tap into their inherent healing capacity CEU/CPD 3 Sections Menstrual Related Disorders: an In-depth Discussion on PMS Keren Sela This course discusses PMS (or, more accurately, “menstrual-related disorder”) in a slightly unconventional fashion, expanding the phenomena away from the general TCM “liver qi stagnation” diagnosis. It introduces new categories to define the various pathologies of PMS (digestive disorders, water metabolism, emotional aspects, heat in the blood and counter flow, and fever/cold/flu). CEU/CPD 1 Section Mind the Gap: Key Issues in Treating Women Recovering from Breast Cancer Ofir Michaelis This course examines the profound impact of these gaps through the lens of TCM, exploring how treatment-related physical changes, emotional stagnation, hormonal therapy effects, and destabilization of Earth element shape the recovery experience. Drawing from clinical experience, the course provides practical treatment strategies combining specific acupuncture point protocols, movement therapy, and creative expression. CEU/CPD 4 Sections PMDD: The EVIL Twin Sister of PMS Karine Kedar Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a severe extension of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) caused by fluctuating hormones. Together with Karine Kedar, we explore Chinese Medicine concepts regarding the cycle and its disturbances towards our bleeding and offer interventions and ideas to make our monthly cycle a friendly guide to our inner world instead of punishment. CEU/CPD 7 Sections Preventing and Treating HPV Related Cancers Dr. Misha Cohen OMD In this comprehensive course Dr. Misha Cohen OMD L.Ac covers all topics related to the prevention and treatment HPV Related Cancers. From epidemiology through research into a complete treatment plan which includes herbal medicine, acupuncture and more. CEU/CPD 5 Sections Signs of Sexuality and Fertility in Face Diagnosis Lillian Pearl Bridges In this course, Lillian Pearl Bridges, world-renowned “face reader”, teaches how to diagnose and interpret the signs of sexuality and fertility that are apparent in the face. CEU/CPD 1 Section The Importance of Du Mai in Pregnancy Miriam Raich & Anat Tzachar So what is the role of Yang in women’s physiology, and what is the role of Du Mai in successful nine months of gestation? This is the question we try to answer during this course. Hopefully, this will expand your use of Du Mai and its related points in pregnancy treatments. CEU/CPD 4 Sections To Do or Not To Do: The Forbidden Points in Pregnancy Miriam Raich & Anat Tzachar Create treatment strategies for each of the three trimesters by understanding the energetic changes occurring during pregnancy, emphasising the different semesters. Work in a way that supports the changes in each trimester, including incorporating the “forbidden” points in those treatments. CEU/CPD 5 Sections Treating Menstrual Related Mental Emotional Disorders Keren Sela Explore the intricate world of women's health through the lens of Dr. Yi Tian Ni's wisdom and Keren Sela's clinical expertise in this transformative course. From teenage turmoil to menopausal challenges, Keren Sela navigates the diverse landscape of women's well-being. CEU/CPD 4 Sections Treating the 5 Types of Menopause Dr. Netanella Miller MD & Keren Sela This course describes these 5 elemental types of menopausal symptoms, highlighting the main symptoms and signs for each. CEU/CPD 5 Sections An Integrative Chinese Medicine Approach to IVF Keren Sela Taking this course you will learn how to treat, confidently and with knowledge, women undergoing ART (Assisted Reproductive Techniques) focusing on IVF. Strengthen your understanding of female physiology and fertility. This course will teach you how to transfer western medicament and hormones into a Chinese Medicine vocabulary. CEU/CPD 1 Section Diagnosis and Treatment of PMS Due to Hypothyroidism Jhonathan Ronen Dip C.M (I.A TCM) In this course, we will focus on detecting this common root cause of PMS and practice with herbs (Chinese and western) combined with simple home and clinical tests in Chinese medicine and western Public Labs. This is a clinical herbal & nutritional lecture for thyroid, focusing on PMS, No acupuncture included in this lecture. CEU/CPD 2 Sections Facial Diagnosis & Gynecology: The Stories We Tell Lillian Pearl Bridges In this course, Lillian Pearl Bridges focuses on how the face corresponds with the organs and how to diagnose signs of strength and deficiency, fertility, & Jing. You can employ this information immediately to increase diagnostic skills & will support the ability to discern the effectiveness of treatments. 1 Section How Healing Works: And What it Means for Healthcare? Wayne Jonas, M.D. In this talk, Dr Jonas describes a simple, systematic approach called a HOPE (Healing Oriented Practices and Environments) visit, that helps patients tap into their inherent healing capacity CEU/CPD 3 Sections Menstrual Related Disorders: an In-depth Discussion on PMS Keren Sela This course discusses PMS (or, more accurately, “menstrual-related disorder”) in a slightly unconventional fashion, expanding the phenomena away from the general TCM “liver qi stagnation” diagnosis. It introduces new categories to define the various pathologies of PMS (digestive disorders, water metabolism, emotional aspects, heat in the blood and counter flow, and fever/cold/flu). CEU/CPD 1 Section Mind the Gap: Key Issues in Treating Women Recovering from Breast Cancer Ofir Michaelis This course examines the profound impact of these gaps through the lens of TCM, exploring how treatment-related physical changes, emotional stagnation, hormonal therapy effects, and destabilization of Earth element shape the recovery experience. Drawing from clinical experience, the course provides practical treatment strategies combining specific acupuncture point protocols, movement therapy, and creative expression. CEU/CPD 4 Sections PMDD: The EVIL Twin Sister of PMS Karine Kedar Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a severe extension of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) caused by fluctuating hormones. Together with Karine Kedar, we explore Chinese Medicine concepts regarding the cycle and its disturbances towards our bleeding and offer interventions and ideas to make our monthly cycle a friendly guide to our inner world instead of punishment. CEU/CPD 7 Sections Preventing and Treating HPV Related Cancers Dr. Misha Cohen OMD In this comprehensive course Dr. Misha Cohen OMD L.Ac covers all topics related to the prevention and treatment HPV Related Cancers. From epidemiology through research into a complete treatment plan which includes herbal medicine, acupuncture and more. CEU/CPD 5 Sections Signs of Sexuality and Fertility in Face Diagnosis Lillian Pearl Bridges In this course, Lillian Pearl Bridges, world-renowned “face reader”, teaches how to diagnose and interpret the signs of sexuality and fertility that are apparent in the face. CEU/CPD 1 Section The Importance of Du Mai in Pregnancy Miriam Raich & Anat Tzachar So what is the role of Yang in women’s physiology, and what is the role of Du Mai in successful nine months of gestation? This is the question we try to answer during this course. Hopefully, this will expand your use of Du Mai and its related points in pregnancy treatments. CEU/CPD 4 Sections To Do or Not To Do: The Forbidden Points in Pregnancy Miriam Raich & Anat Tzachar Create treatment strategies for each of the three trimesters by understanding the energetic changes occurring during pregnancy, emphasising the different semesters. Work in a way that supports the changes in each trimester, including incorporating the “forbidden” points in those treatments. CEU/CPD 5 Sections Treating Menstrual Related Mental Emotional Disorders Keren Sela Explore the intricate world of women's health through the lens of Dr. Yi Tian Ni's wisdom and Keren Sela's clinical expertise in this transformative course. From teenage turmoil to menopausal challenges, Keren Sela navigates the diverse landscape of women's well-being. CEU/CPD 4 Sections Treating the 5 Types of Menopause Dr. Netanella Miller MD & Keren Sela This course describes these 5 elemental types of menopausal symptoms, highlighting the main symptoms and signs for each.