Courses ALL COURSES Search AlphabeticalNewly Created All Categories5 ElementsAcupunctureAcupuncture PointsAdjacent Modalities/TreatmentsAllopathic MedicineAncient TextsChinese HerbologyDiagnosisDigestive IssuesEthicsExtra VesselsGynecology/Women HealthIntegrative MedicineJapanese MedicineKampoMoxibustionNutritionOncologyOrthopedyPainPediatricsProfessional EnhancementResearch/Evidence Based MedicineShenTCMTCM Talks/Inspiration & More All InstructorsAcupuncture Now FoundationAcupuncture Relief ProjectAlaine D. Duncan, M.Ac., L.Ac., Dipl.Ac.Alexandra Schmidt-Kirchhoff, Dipl.AcAmos Ziv L.AcBob Quinn, DAOM, LAcBrechtje SebregtsCAM TEAMCT Holman, M.S., L.Ac.Charles BuckClare FoleyDaniel Bensky, DO.Danny BlythDanny Van LaethemDavid HartmannDeborah Woolf, LicAc, MBAcC, MADeirdre CourtneyDr Hartung MD & Dr Maimon PhDDr Julian Scott PhD, Ac.Dr Nina Fuller-Shavel MDDr Santhosshi Narayan MDDr Yan Liu PhDDr. Bartosz Chmielnicki MDDr. Beverley de Valois, PhDDr. Butch Levy MD, L.AcDr. Edward NealDr. Gil Barzilay PhDDr. Hamid Montakab MDDr. Hui Zhang, PhDDr. Ilias Christidis MDDr. Jaden KimDr. John McDonald, PhDDr. Julia Hartung MDDr. Maimon & Dr. Hartung MDDr. Maimon & OA TeamDr. Michael Weber, M.D.Dr. Michelle Hamilton, L.Ac.Dr. Misha Cohen OMDDr. Netanella Miller MD & Keren SelaDr. Nguyen Hong, MD, M.ScDr. Olivia Pojer MDDr. Qing HUANG PhD, MMed, BMedDr. Reginaldo de Carvalho Silva Filho, PhDDr. Stephen Birch PhDDr. Tom Fleischer Ph.D, Dip.CMDr. Umberto Mazzanti MD, Acupuncturist, OsteopathDr. Yair Maimon PhD OMD Ac.Dr. Zhen Dominique HertzerElisabeth Rochat de la ValléeEric Raymond BuckleyEva-Marie JaneloEvan RabinowitzEyal ShpringerFelip CaudetGil Ton Ph.DGiovanni MaciociaGuy, TCM AcademyHadassah Hilewitz, ND, MS, FABNOHasina ErderHila YaffeHila Yaffe & Orit ZilbermanICCM2021Iman Majd MD, MS, L.Ac ABoIMIris AbarbanelIzabela MietkaJ. Ross & L. Tan-Bleinroth MDJennifer A. M. Stone MSOM, LAcJeremy RossJhonathan Ronen Dip C.M (I.A TCM)John Scott, DOM , Dipl.Ac.Karine KedarKatherine Taromina, DACM., L.Ac.Kelly HarringtonKeren SelaLaurie Regan, ND, PhDLillian Pearl BridgesLorie Eve DecharLouis GordonMaria JeskanenMarian Nielsen JoosMartine CornelissenMatthew Bauer, L.Ac., Dipl. O.M.Matthew WeitzmanMaya Suzuki, L.Ac.Mel Hopper Koppelman, DAc, MScMichael BrownMichael FitzGerald L.Ac.Michelle Bombacie & Kenna BouvetMiriam Raich & Anat TzacharNienke Stoop, MD, MAc,Nik HaverkampNora Giese, MScOfir MichaelisOshri Zisman Dipl. CM (I.A.TCM)Patricia BockPedro AlbuquerquePeter DeadmanPeter MolePeter Mole & Danny BlythPeter TorssellPhilipp HaasProf. Elad Schiff, MDProf. Gilad Amiel MDProf. Heiner Fruehauf Ph.D., L.Ac.Prof. Paul UnschuldProf. Qiang Cao & Dr. Yun XiaoProf. Xiaoshu ZhuProfessor Noah Samuels MDRachel Cheng, RCMP (Hong Kong)Rachel Pagones, DAOM, LAcRani AyalRebecca AvernRebecca Avern & Dr Yair Maimon PhDRobert Hayden, DACM, LAcSandro Graca, Lic. TCMSharon Bar-GilShaun Goodman, Dipl. Ac.Shay SharabiTCM AcademyTirza Paytan SelaTzafrir Nachmani Dip. AcWayne Jonas, M.D.Weidong Lu, MB, MPH, PHDYael Saslove L.AcYu Guo-JunZ'ev Rosenberg旭亮 Liam Yan CEU/CPD 3 Sections 5 Types of Depression Dr. Yair Maimon PhD OMD Ac. Understanding and learning how to aid in the healing of depression from the unique Chinese medical perspective of the Shen and its relationship to five types of depression. CEU/CPD 4 Sections Acupuncture & Osteopathic Protocols in the Treatment of Medial Knee Pain Dr. Umberto Mazzanti MD, Acupuncturist, Osteopath The author presents his experience as MD Specialist in Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine, acupuncture and osteopathy dealing with medial knee pain. 1 Section Acupuncture as Revolution: Origins of Social Justice Acupuncture and the Community Acupuncture Movement Rachel Pagones, DAOM, LAc This webinar will delve into the history of acupuncture used as a means of revolution within the United States, based on Rachel Pagones’ new book, Acupuncture as Revolution: Suffering, Liberation, and Love. We will trace the influence of the barefoot doctors of Mao’s China on revolutionary acupuncture. We will see how the movement has evolved from 1970s-era political tactics to the trauma-informed approach of community acupuncture and of groups such as Acupuncturists without Borders (AWB). And we will recognize the fundamental contributions of Black and Latinx acupuncturists as well as Asian American activists to social justice acupuncture. CEU/CPD 7 Sections Acupuncture for Insomnia: Sleep and Dreams in Chinese Medicine Dr. Hamid Montakab MD Decorated with anecdotes from Chinese Medicine's history and almost 50 years of experience practicing Chinese Medicine this course covers the whole range of diagnosing and treating insomnia. CEU/CPD 2 Sections Acupuncture Point Combinations for the Immune System David Hartmann Over the past two-three years, the coronavirus (Covid) has run rampant worldwide, with millions of people adversely affected. Regarding acupuncture clinical practice, Covid has resulted in a massive spike in patient numbers across two main areas – mental health and the respiratory system. CEU/CPD 3 Sections Acupuncture Point Combinations: The Master-Key to Great Clinical Results David Hartmann This course is designed to get participants thinking about the reasons for their point combination choices. It will include a range of point combination strategies/themes. CEU/CPD 1 Section Acupuncture Point ST-9: Human’s Welcome Dr. Yair Maimon PhD OMD Ac. In this course, Dr Yair Maimon extensively discusses point ST-9 and its clinical use. CEU/CPD 3 Sections Acupuncture to Treat Emotional Trauma, PTSD, and CPTSD CT Holman, M.S., L.Ac. Acupuncture for trauma treatment: Master CT Holman's four-point system for PTSD and emotional trauma. Includes video demos. CEU/CPD 5 Sections Acupuncture Treatment of Retinal Diseases Dr Julian Scott PhD, Ac. Acupuncture is one of the most effective treatments in slowing down or even reversing macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa. CEU/CPD 1 Section Bladder 43: Exploration of a Special Acupuncture Point Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée This lecture by leading sinologist Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee will give you deeper insights into these concepts of Bladder 43, Gao Huang Shu, by exploring the characters used in the point and the historical content. CEU/CPD 5 Sections Body Memories and Physical Trauma in Chinese Medicine Dr. Hamid Montakab MD In this course, Dr Hamid Montakab, MD introduces the concepts of trauma, defensive layers; the role of the subconscious, body memories, and the concept of “Body Armors” with a description of each segment and treatment strategies with the Sinew channels 1 Section Catgut Embedding Dr. Nguyen Hong, MD, M.Sc CEU/CPD 4 Sections Changing the Brain’s Pain Perception as First-Line Treatment for Pain Hasina Erder Addressing and treating ‘brain pain perception’ is another important part of the treatment as it affects the deep source of pain. This course is the fruit of thousands of treatments in Hasina’s clinic over the last 2 decades. Hasina says that “This way of thinking changed my clinic entirely”. CEU/CPD 1 Section Clearing the Clouds: Introduction to Shen Acupuncture Dr. Yair Maimon PhD OMD Ac. The most magical part of acupuncture is the ability to transform, to touch heaven in the patient, alleviating the suffering, clearing the clouds and allowing healing and change. This is the introduction section of the Clearing the Clouds Series. In this introductory webinar, Dr Yair Maimon gives an overview and a taste of the Clearing the Clouds series. Take the whole series here: Clearing the Clouds 1 Section Corona Time: Treating Viral Infections Rani Ayal CEU/CPD 4 Sections Correlating Moxa Points with Moxibustion Skills Felip Caudet In this course, Felip Caudet, shows you how to optimize your practice by using various Japanese moxibustion techniques. 1 Section Discussing Explanations of Channels and Points Michael Brown This text, (circa. 17th century) is an extremely unique text in the way that it analyses acupuncture points, names, and diseases which sets it apart from any other text pre-1911. 1 Section Dreams in Chinese Medicine Dr. Hamid Montakab MD Long parts of Dr. Montakab nearly 50 years of experience practicing Chinese Medicine have been dedicated to sleep and dreams and in this course he shares his insight, the psychological and Chinese theories of dreams and how to use dreams as diagnostic and therapeutic tool in the clinic. CEU/CPD 2 Sections Electro Acupuncture Theoretical Training Danny Van Laethem CEU/CPD 10 Sections Healing the Eyes with Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Dr Julian Scott PhD, Ac. Reading this you are looking at a computer screen, or at your mobile phone. Our modern lifestyles are increasingly spent looking at screens - a major cause of eye related problems. Treat these conditions with Chinese Medicine. CEU/CPD 1 Section Inner Flow: Circulation of Qi and Vital Essences Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée In this course, according to Classical Chinese medical texts, Elisabeth Rochat De LaVallée explains the character of 脈, Mai – vessel, vital circulation – in Chinese Medicine. CEU/CPD 8 Sections Instincts and Emotions in Chinese Medicine Dr. Hamid Montakab MD In this course, Dr Hamid Montakab, MD, explains the function and expression of emotions as extensions of the primary instincts. He explores the Luo≈Connecting vessels' role in processing the outer world and the 5 Emotions and 7 Passions concept. With clinical examples & case studies, he shares therapeutic strategies to release emotions; treatment of the Zang-Fu patterns, diagnostic orientations; palpation to identify the emotion. 1 Section Integrating Acupuncture into Surgical Care Dr. Zhen Zheng Integrating acupuncture into the mainstream medicine requires more than evidence and willingness or positive attitudes of stakeholders. The process of integration is essentially a progress of implementation and requires knowledge and skills of implementation science. This framework will facilitate the uptake of perioperative use of acupuncture / acupressure to enable positive impact on patient outcome and reduce cost associated with management of PONV and postoperative pain. CEU/CPD 3 Sections Introduction to Acupuncture Point Combination David Hartmann Take an adventure with David Hartmann and his 25 years of experience using Acupuncture Point Combination. 1 Section It’s Even Better Than You Think: Understanding the Evidence Behind Acupuncture for CIPN Matthew Bauer, L.Ac., Dipl. O.M. It’s Even Better Than You Think: Understanding the Evidence Behind Acupuncture for CIPN The recent Guideline published by the American Society of Clinical Oncology was… CEU/CPD 1 Section Jing: A Study of the Meridians in the Ancient Texts Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée Taking us through the ancient text Elisabeth Rochat de laVallée reveals to us the different meanings in which 經 can be understood and enlarge our understanding of the concept of Meridians. CEU/CPD 4 Sections Management of Seasonal and Perennial Allergies in Clinical Practice Dr. Hamid Montakab MD In this course, Dr. Montakab M.D. covers both seasonal and perennial allergies from western and Chinese perspectives of the causes and treatments for allergies. He talks in length about Allergic Rhinitis & Allergic Asthma, treatment strategies for acute phase and for prevention, points selection and demonstrates clinical cases. CEU/CPD 3 Sections Menstrual Related Disorders: an In-depth Discussion on PMS Keren Sela This course discusses PMS (or, more accurately, “menstrual-related disorder”) in a slightly unconventional fashion, expanding the phenomena away from the general TCM “liver qi stagnation” diagnosis. It introduces new categories to define the various pathologies of PMS (digestive disorders, water metabolism, emotional aspects, heat in the blood and counter flow, and fever/cold/flu). CEU/CPD 6 Sections Revolutionizing Healing from Traumatic Stress Alaine D. Duncan, M.Ac., L.Ac., Dipl.Ac. This program harmoniously weaves polyvagal theory with the Five Elements as our guiding framework for a profound exploration of complex trauma. 1 Section Seasonal and Perennial Allergies: Introduction Dr. Hamid Montakab MD Chinese medicine and acupuncture, in particular, are quite effective in managing the symptoms during the acute phase and treating the deeper roots.This is the introduction to the full course by Dr. Montakab M.D. CEU/CPD 4 Sections Shen from Heaven: Wisdom from the Clinic Dr. Yair Maimon PhD OMD Ac. This course shares a deeper approach to utilizing acupuncture to transform emotions and life. You will understand the inner alchemy of acupuncture and how to apply it in the clinic; to achieve transformation and personal growth for our patients. CEU/CPD 1 Section Su Wen 78: A Discourse on Evidence of the 4 Failures Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée This class explores historical and modern concepts of Su Wen chapter 78, the Discourse on Evidence of the Four Failures. CEU/CPD 1 Section TCM for Cognitive Health in Cancer Care Dr. Yair Maimon PhD OMD Ac. This course introduces a fresh perspective, potentially unlocking new mechanisms that shed light on the profound effects of acupuncture. CEU/CPD 7 Sections Temperaments and Beliefs in Chinese Medicine Dr. Hamid Montakab MD The six basic “Temperaments” are represented by the “Six energy axis” or the channel systems which constitute a bridge between the inner world “Microcosm” and the outer changes the “Macrocosm” and define the basic responses and adaptations to outer events. Constitutions and Temperaments have a major influence on “Belief” mechanisms and further influence the physiology as well as the pathology of a person. This understanding provides a key for freeing oneself from the habitual mind-sets and behaviours. CEU/CPD 3 Sections The Anti-inflammatory Effects of Acupuncture Dr. John McDonald, PhD Drawing from his own experiences in researching the effects of acupuncture treatment for allergic rhinitis (hay fever) on the immune system, Dr McDonald overviews how acupuncture can treat a broad range of inflammatory conditions including allergic rhinitis, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, osteoarthritis and migraine. CEU/CPD 1 Section The Biochemistry of Acupuncture Mel Hopper Koppelman, DAc, MSc Taking this course you will be able to answer the question: “So, how does acupuncture work?”. CEU/CPD 5 Sections The Extraordinary Channels in the Treatment of Crohn’s Disease Rani Ayal This course explores the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of common autoimmune disorders in the digestive tract, such as Crohn’s disease, Ulcerative Colitis and IBS, with a unique emphasis on the role of the extraordinary channels. CEU/CPD 4 Sections The Impact and Management of Retained Traumatic Memories Dr. Hamid Montakab MD This course will deepen your knowledge of Gui≈ ghosts in Chinese medicine, their consequences, and how to treat them using tried treatment protocols. 1 Section The Importance of Classics Studies for Clinical Practice of Acupuncture Dr. Reginaldo de Carvalho Silva Filho, PhD Understand The Importance of Classics Studies for Clinical Practice of Acupuncture CEU/CPD 8 Sections The Mind & the Psyche in Chinese Medicine: The Five Sectors of the Psyche Dr. Hamid Montakab MD Understanding the structure of the conscious and subconscious parts of the psyche and unraveling the psychological mechanisms of “Belief systems” and helping to change these in a regular TCM setting is to treat the “Hidden Roots of Disease”. CEU/CPD 3 Sections The Pathology and Treatment of Cancer with Integrated Western and Chinese Medicine Giovanni Maciocia This course consists of a nearly 3-hour lecture with video narration, text, diagrams and photos. CEU/CPD 5 Sections The Treatment of Asthma with Chinese Medicine Giovanni Maciocia This course presents the pathology and treatment of both allergic and non-allergic asthma in children and adults. This course consists of an over 2-hours lecture with video narration, text, diagrams and photos. CEU/CPD 4 Sections The Treatment of Bipolar Disorder with Chinese Medicine Giovanni Maciocia Bipolar disorder follows closely the symptoms of the ancient Chinese disease of Dian Kuang which may be translated as dullness and raving or dullness and mania. However, the course will explore to what extent bipolar disorder corresponds exactly to Dian Kuang in Chinese medicine. CEU/CPD 4 Sections The Treatment of Endometriosis, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, and Menopausal Problems Giovanni Maciocia For these three diseases, the course will first discuss their pathology in biomedicine and then the Chinese pathology, patterns and treatment with acupuncture and herbal medicine. CEU/CPD 3 Sections The Treatment of Menopausal Problems with Chinese Medicine Giovanni Maciocia This course discusses the pathology and treatment of menopausal problems in detail. Taking this course, you will learn the role of Tian Gui in women's life cycles and in the aetiology of menopausal issues. The role of the Kidneys in the pathology of menopausal problems is dealt with in-depth. CEU/CPD 2 Sections Traditional Japanese Anpuku Diagnosis through the Eyes of Psychophysiology Iris Abarbanel Are you curious to know more about it and upgrade your practical skills with this knowledge? CEU/CPD 12 Sections Transforming Emotions, Clearing the Clouds Dr. Yair Maimon PhD OMD Ac. The most magical part of acupuncture is the ability to transform, touch heaven in the patient, alleviate the suffering, clear the clouds and allow healing and change. CEU/CPD 2 Sections Traumatic Stress Response: Orientation, History and Context Alaine D. Duncan, M.Ac., L.Ac., Dipl.Ac. Acupuncture has much to offer survivors of traumatic stress. Our concept of Qi is our greatest contribution to the study of traumatic stress. This course explores the traumatic stress response as an energetic (qi) system that has been stimulated beyond its range of resiliency and is awaiting restoration of its natural balance and equilibrium. CEU/CPD 5 Sections Traumatic Stress: Management of Physical & Psychological Trauma with Acupuncture Dr. Hamid Montakab MD In the management of acute or chronic traumatic stress with Chinese medicine and acupuncture, the aim is to release the retained energy mass from the level where it is trapped (Wei-Blood-Jing), to bring the event into consciousness (Shen) and to re-structure the belief system (Cultivation of the Mind). CEU/CPD 6 Sections Treating Common Clinical Disorders Using Specific Acupuncture Point Combinations David Hartmann This course offers participants nearly 100 treatments for common clinical disorders, including musculoskeletal complaints, mental and emotional imbalances, and many other signs and symptoms. This is done by examining thirteen different acupuncture point combinations (APC’s). Each of the APC’s is briefly defined and explained before giving a range of various signs and symptoms that they can treat. CEU/CPD 5 Sections Treating Male Fertility Problems with Chinese Medicine Dr. Olivia Pojer MD By the conclusion of this course, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and confidence to begin addressing male fertility issues, thereby enhancing your practice and offering holistic solutions to couples facing these challenges. CEU/CPD 5 Sections Treating Menstrual Related Mental Emotional Disorders Keren Sela Explore the intricate world of women's health through the lens of Dr. Yi Tian Ni's wisdom and Keren Sela's clinical expertise in this transformative course. From teenage turmoil to menopausal challenges, Keren Sela navigates the diverse landscape of women's well-being. CEU/CPD 4 Sections Treating the 5 Types of Menopause Dr. Netanella Miller MD & Keren Sela This course describes these 5 elemental types of menopausal symptoms, highlighting the main symptoms and signs for each. 1 Section Treatment by Acupuncture & Osteopathy, A Personal Combination & Clinical Approach Dr. Umberto Mazzanti MD, Acupuncturist, Osteopath In this course, Dr Umberto Mazzanti, MD, introduces a personal combination and clinical approach to treating pain, The Mazzanti AcuOsteo Method®, which combines Acupuncture and Osteopathic through the demonstration of shoulder musculoskeletal pain. CEU/CPD 4 Sections Treatment of Pain with Acupuncture Dr. Stephen Birch PhD Following the lecture, participants will know more about the general treatment and management of chronic pain conditions and strategies employed by practitioners of Toyohari, Japanese Meridian Therapy for these purposes. CEU/CPD 4 Sections Unblocking the Flow: Acupuncture in the Treatment of Bi Syndromes Dr. Bartosz Chmielnicki MD In this course, Bartosz Chmielnicki MD discuss the ancient theory of the Bi Syndromes together with different strategies of treatment and acupuncture points. 1 Section What Do You Do When You Don’t Know What to Do? Dr. Yair Maimon PhD OMD Ac. Packed with wisdom, compassion, and clinical pearls, this talk is more than just a lecture—it is a reassuring guide to trust, presence, and effective action in the face of uncertainty. Perfect for practitioners at any stage of their journey, this is one talk you’ll want to return to time and again. CEU/CPD 2 Sections Why Do We Have Neck Pains? Rani Ayal Patients with chronic neck problems are always a challenge in the clinic – many times treatments provide relief of pain and restore mobility but, quite often, the relief is temporary and the issues are never really solved. In this course, Rani Ayal explores the reasons behind neck pains and discuss specific diagnostic techniques, treatment strategies and point selection to improve clinical success. CEU/CPD 4 Sections Working with Dreams in Chinese Medicine Dr. Hamid Montakab MD Much of Dr. Montakab's nearly 50 years of experience practising Chinese Medicine have been dedicated to sleep and dreams. In this course, he shares his insight into the psychological and Chinese theories of dreams and how to use dreams as diagnostic and therapeutic tools in the clinic. CEU/CPD 3 Sections 5 Types of Depression Dr. Yair Maimon PhD OMD Ac. Understanding and learning how to aid in the healing of depression from the unique Chinese medical perspective of the Shen and its relationship to five types of depression. CEU/CPD 4 Sections Acupuncture & Osteopathic Protocols in the Treatment of Medial Knee Pain Dr. Umberto Mazzanti MD, Acupuncturist, Osteopath The author presents his experience as MD Specialist in Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine, acupuncture and osteopathy dealing with medial knee pain. 1 Section Acupuncture as Revolution: Origins of Social Justice Acupuncture and the Community Acupuncture Movement Rachel Pagones, DAOM, LAc This webinar will delve into the history of acupuncture used as a means of revolution within the United States, based on Rachel Pagones’ new book, Acupuncture as Revolution: Suffering, Liberation, and Love. We will trace the influence of the barefoot doctors of Mao’s China on revolutionary acupuncture. We will see how the movement has evolved from 1970s-era political tactics to the trauma-informed approach of community acupuncture and of groups such as Acupuncturists without Borders (AWB). And we will recognize the fundamental contributions of Black and Latinx acupuncturists as well as Asian American activists to social justice acupuncture. CEU/CPD 7 Sections Acupuncture for Insomnia: Sleep and Dreams in Chinese Medicine Dr. Hamid Montakab MD Decorated with anecdotes from Chinese Medicine's history and almost 50 years of experience practicing Chinese Medicine this course covers the whole range of diagnosing and treating insomnia. CEU/CPD 2 Sections Acupuncture Point Combinations for the Immune System David Hartmann Over the past two-three years, the coronavirus (Covid) has run rampant worldwide, with millions of people adversely affected. Regarding acupuncture clinical practice, Covid has resulted in a massive spike in patient numbers across two main areas – mental health and the respiratory system. CEU/CPD 3 Sections Acupuncture Point Combinations: The Master-Key to Great Clinical Results David Hartmann This course is designed to get participants thinking about the reasons for their point combination choices. It will include a range of point combination strategies/themes. CEU/CPD 1 Section Acupuncture Point ST-9: Human’s Welcome Dr. Yair Maimon PhD OMD Ac. In this course, Dr Yair Maimon extensively discusses point ST-9 and its clinical use. CEU/CPD 3 Sections Acupuncture to Treat Emotional Trauma, PTSD, and CPTSD CT Holman, M.S., L.Ac. Acupuncture for trauma treatment: Master CT Holman's four-point system for PTSD and emotional trauma. Includes video demos. CEU/CPD 5 Sections Acupuncture Treatment of Retinal Diseases Dr Julian Scott PhD, Ac. Acupuncture is one of the most effective treatments in slowing down or even reversing macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa. CEU/CPD 1 Section Bladder 43: Exploration of a Special Acupuncture Point Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée This lecture by leading sinologist Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee will give you deeper insights into these concepts of Bladder 43, Gao Huang Shu, by exploring the characters used in the point and the historical content. CEU/CPD 5 Sections Body Memories and Physical Trauma in Chinese Medicine Dr. Hamid Montakab MD In this course, Dr Hamid Montakab, MD introduces the concepts of trauma, defensive layers; the role of the subconscious, body memories, and the concept of “Body Armors” with a description of each segment and treatment strategies with the Sinew channels 1 Section Catgut Embedding Dr. Nguyen Hong, MD, M.Sc CEU/CPD 4 Sections Changing the Brain’s Pain Perception as First-Line Treatment for Pain Hasina Erder Addressing and treating ‘brain pain perception’ is another important part of the treatment as it affects the deep source of pain. This course is the fruit of thousands of treatments in Hasina’s clinic over the last 2 decades. Hasina says that “This way of thinking changed my clinic entirely”. CEU/CPD 1 Section Clearing the Clouds: Introduction to Shen Acupuncture Dr. Yair Maimon PhD OMD Ac. The most magical part of acupuncture is the ability to transform, to touch heaven in the patient, alleviating the suffering, clearing the clouds and allowing healing and change. This is the introduction section of the Clearing the Clouds Series. In this introductory webinar, Dr Yair Maimon gives an overview and a taste of the Clearing the Clouds series. Take the whole series here: Clearing the Clouds 1 Section Corona Time: Treating Viral Infections Rani Ayal CEU/CPD 4 Sections Correlating Moxa Points with Moxibustion Skills Felip Caudet In this course, Felip Caudet, shows you how to optimize your practice by using various Japanese moxibustion techniques. 1 Section Discussing Explanations of Channels and Points Michael Brown This text, (circa. 17th century) is an extremely unique text in the way that it analyses acupuncture points, names, and diseases which sets it apart from any other text pre-1911. 1 Section Dreams in Chinese Medicine Dr. Hamid Montakab MD Long parts of Dr. Montakab nearly 50 years of experience practicing Chinese Medicine have been dedicated to sleep and dreams and in this course he shares his insight, the psychological and Chinese theories of dreams and how to use dreams as diagnostic and therapeutic tool in the clinic. CEU/CPD 2 Sections Electro Acupuncture Theoretical Training Danny Van Laethem CEU/CPD 10 Sections Healing the Eyes with Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Dr Julian Scott PhD, Ac. Reading this you are looking at a computer screen, or at your mobile phone. Our modern lifestyles are increasingly spent looking at screens - a major cause of eye related problems. Treat these conditions with Chinese Medicine. CEU/CPD 1 Section Inner Flow: Circulation of Qi and Vital Essences Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée In this course, according to Classical Chinese medical texts, Elisabeth Rochat De LaVallée explains the character of 脈, Mai – vessel, vital circulation – in Chinese Medicine. CEU/CPD 8 Sections Instincts and Emotions in Chinese Medicine Dr. Hamid Montakab MD In this course, Dr Hamid Montakab, MD, explains the function and expression of emotions as extensions of the primary instincts. He explores the Luo≈Connecting vessels' role in processing the outer world and the 5 Emotions and 7 Passions concept. With clinical examples & case studies, he shares therapeutic strategies to release emotions; treatment of the Zang-Fu patterns, diagnostic orientations; palpation to identify the emotion. 1 Section Integrating Acupuncture into Surgical Care Dr. Zhen Zheng Integrating acupuncture into the mainstream medicine requires more than evidence and willingness or positive attitudes of stakeholders. The process of integration is essentially a progress of implementation and requires knowledge and skills of implementation science. This framework will facilitate the uptake of perioperative use of acupuncture / acupressure to enable positive impact on patient outcome and reduce cost associated with management of PONV and postoperative pain. CEU/CPD 3 Sections Introduction to Acupuncture Point Combination David Hartmann Take an adventure with David Hartmann and his 25 years of experience using Acupuncture Point Combination. 1 Section It’s Even Better Than You Think: Understanding the Evidence Behind Acupuncture for CIPN Matthew Bauer, L.Ac., Dipl. O.M. It’s Even Better Than You Think: Understanding the Evidence Behind Acupuncture for CIPN The recent Guideline published by the American Society of Clinical Oncology was… CEU/CPD 1 Section Jing: A Study of the Meridians in the Ancient Texts Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée Taking us through the ancient text Elisabeth Rochat de laVallée reveals to us the different meanings in which 經 can be understood and enlarge our understanding of the concept of Meridians. CEU/CPD 4 Sections Management of Seasonal and Perennial Allergies in Clinical Practice Dr. Hamid Montakab MD In this course, Dr. Montakab M.D. covers both seasonal and perennial allergies from western and Chinese perspectives of the causes and treatments for allergies. He talks in length about Allergic Rhinitis & Allergic Asthma, treatment strategies for acute phase and for prevention, points selection and demonstrates clinical cases. CEU/CPD 3 Sections Menstrual Related Disorders: an In-depth Discussion on PMS Keren Sela This course discusses PMS (or, more accurately, “menstrual-related disorder”) in a slightly unconventional fashion, expanding the phenomena away from the general TCM “liver qi stagnation” diagnosis. It introduces new categories to define the various pathologies of PMS (digestive disorders, water metabolism, emotional aspects, heat in the blood and counter flow, and fever/cold/flu). CEU/CPD 6 Sections Revolutionizing Healing from Traumatic Stress Alaine D. Duncan, M.Ac., L.Ac., Dipl.Ac. This program harmoniously weaves polyvagal theory with the Five Elements as our guiding framework for a profound exploration of complex trauma. 1 Section Seasonal and Perennial Allergies: Introduction Dr. Hamid Montakab MD Chinese medicine and acupuncture, in particular, are quite effective in managing the symptoms during the acute phase and treating the deeper roots.This is the introduction to the full course by Dr. Montakab M.D. CEU/CPD 4 Sections Shen from Heaven: Wisdom from the Clinic Dr. Yair Maimon PhD OMD Ac. This course shares a deeper approach to utilizing acupuncture to transform emotions and life. You will understand the inner alchemy of acupuncture and how to apply it in the clinic; to achieve transformation and personal growth for our patients. CEU/CPD 1 Section Su Wen 78: A Discourse on Evidence of the 4 Failures Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée This class explores historical and modern concepts of Su Wen chapter 78, the Discourse on Evidence of the Four Failures. CEU/CPD 1 Section TCM for Cognitive Health in Cancer Care Dr. Yair Maimon PhD OMD Ac. This course introduces a fresh perspective, potentially unlocking new mechanisms that shed light on the profound effects of acupuncture. CEU/CPD 7 Sections Temperaments and Beliefs in Chinese Medicine Dr. Hamid Montakab MD The six basic “Temperaments” are represented by the “Six energy axis” or the channel systems which constitute a bridge between the inner world “Microcosm” and the outer changes the “Macrocosm” and define the basic responses and adaptations to outer events. Constitutions and Temperaments have a major influence on “Belief” mechanisms and further influence the physiology as well as the pathology of a person. This understanding provides a key for freeing oneself from the habitual mind-sets and behaviours. CEU/CPD 3 Sections The Anti-inflammatory Effects of Acupuncture Dr. John McDonald, PhD Drawing from his own experiences in researching the effects of acupuncture treatment for allergic rhinitis (hay fever) on the immune system, Dr McDonald overviews how acupuncture can treat a broad range of inflammatory conditions including allergic rhinitis, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, osteoarthritis and migraine. CEU/CPD 1 Section The Biochemistry of Acupuncture Mel Hopper Koppelman, DAc, MSc Taking this course you will be able to answer the question: “So, how does acupuncture work?”. CEU/CPD 5 Sections The Extraordinary Channels in the Treatment of Crohn’s Disease Rani Ayal This course explores the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of common autoimmune disorders in the digestive tract, such as Crohn’s disease, Ulcerative Colitis and IBS, with a unique emphasis on the role of the extraordinary channels. CEU/CPD 4 Sections The Impact and Management of Retained Traumatic Memories Dr. Hamid Montakab MD This course will deepen your knowledge of Gui≈ ghosts in Chinese medicine, their consequences, and how to treat them using tried treatment protocols. 1 Section The Importance of Classics Studies for Clinical Practice of Acupuncture Dr. Reginaldo de Carvalho Silva Filho, PhD Understand The Importance of Classics Studies for Clinical Practice of Acupuncture CEU/CPD 8 Sections The Mind & the Psyche in Chinese Medicine: The Five Sectors of the Psyche Dr. Hamid Montakab MD Understanding the structure of the conscious and subconscious parts of the psyche and unraveling the psychological mechanisms of “Belief systems” and helping to change these in a regular TCM setting is to treat the “Hidden Roots of Disease”. CEU/CPD 3 Sections The Pathology and Treatment of Cancer with Integrated Western and Chinese Medicine Giovanni Maciocia This course consists of a nearly 3-hour lecture with video narration, text, diagrams and photos. CEU/CPD 5 Sections The Treatment of Asthma with Chinese Medicine Giovanni Maciocia This course presents the pathology and treatment of both allergic and non-allergic asthma in children and adults. This course consists of an over 2-hours lecture with video narration, text, diagrams and photos. CEU/CPD 4 Sections The Treatment of Bipolar Disorder with Chinese Medicine Giovanni Maciocia Bipolar disorder follows closely the symptoms of the ancient Chinese disease of Dian Kuang which may be translated as dullness and raving or dullness and mania. However, the course will explore to what extent bipolar disorder corresponds exactly to Dian Kuang in Chinese medicine. CEU/CPD 4 Sections The Treatment of Endometriosis, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, and Menopausal Problems Giovanni Maciocia For these three diseases, the course will first discuss their pathology in biomedicine and then the Chinese pathology, patterns and treatment with acupuncture and herbal medicine. CEU/CPD 3 Sections The Treatment of Menopausal Problems with Chinese Medicine Giovanni Maciocia This course discusses the pathology and treatment of menopausal problems in detail. Taking this course, you will learn the role of Tian Gui in women's life cycles and in the aetiology of menopausal issues. The role of the Kidneys in the pathology of menopausal problems is dealt with in-depth. CEU/CPD 2 Sections Traditional Japanese Anpuku Diagnosis through the Eyes of Psychophysiology Iris Abarbanel Are you curious to know more about it and upgrade your practical skills with this knowledge? CEU/CPD 12 Sections Transforming Emotions, Clearing the Clouds Dr. Yair Maimon PhD OMD Ac. The most magical part of acupuncture is the ability to transform, touch heaven in the patient, alleviate the suffering, clear the clouds and allow healing and change. CEU/CPD 2 Sections Traumatic Stress Response: Orientation, History and Context Alaine D. Duncan, M.Ac., L.Ac., Dipl.Ac. Acupuncture has much to offer survivors of traumatic stress. Our concept of Qi is our greatest contribution to the study of traumatic stress. This course explores the traumatic stress response as an energetic (qi) system that has been stimulated beyond its range of resiliency and is awaiting restoration of its natural balance and equilibrium. CEU/CPD 5 Sections Traumatic Stress: Management of Physical & Psychological Trauma with Acupuncture Dr. Hamid Montakab MD In the management of acute or chronic traumatic stress with Chinese medicine and acupuncture, the aim is to release the retained energy mass from the level where it is trapped (Wei-Blood-Jing), to bring the event into consciousness (Shen) and to re-structure the belief system (Cultivation of the Mind). CEU/CPD 6 Sections Treating Common Clinical Disorders Using Specific Acupuncture Point Combinations David Hartmann This course offers participants nearly 100 treatments for common clinical disorders, including musculoskeletal complaints, mental and emotional imbalances, and many other signs and symptoms. This is done by examining thirteen different acupuncture point combinations (APC’s). Each of the APC’s is briefly defined and explained before giving a range of various signs and symptoms that they can treat. CEU/CPD 5 Sections Treating Male Fertility Problems with Chinese Medicine Dr. Olivia Pojer MD By the conclusion of this course, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and confidence to begin addressing male fertility issues, thereby enhancing your practice and offering holistic solutions to couples facing these challenges. CEU/CPD 5 Sections Treating Menstrual Related Mental Emotional Disorders Keren Sela Explore the intricate world of women's health through the lens of Dr. Yi Tian Ni's wisdom and Keren Sela's clinical expertise in this transformative course. From teenage turmoil to menopausal challenges, Keren Sela navigates the diverse landscape of women's well-being. CEU/CPD 4 Sections Treating the 5 Types of Menopause Dr. Netanella Miller MD & Keren Sela This course describes these 5 elemental types of menopausal symptoms, highlighting the main symptoms and signs for each. 1 Section Treatment by Acupuncture & Osteopathy, A Personal Combination & Clinical Approach Dr. Umberto Mazzanti MD, Acupuncturist, Osteopath In this course, Dr Umberto Mazzanti, MD, introduces a personal combination and clinical approach to treating pain, The Mazzanti AcuOsteo Method®, which combines Acupuncture and Osteopathic through the demonstration of shoulder musculoskeletal pain. CEU/CPD 4 Sections Treatment of Pain with Acupuncture Dr. Stephen Birch PhD Following the lecture, participants will know more about the general treatment and management of chronic pain conditions and strategies employed by practitioners of Toyohari, Japanese Meridian Therapy for these purposes. CEU/CPD 4 Sections Unblocking the Flow: Acupuncture in the Treatment of Bi Syndromes Dr. Bartosz Chmielnicki MD In this course, Bartosz Chmielnicki MD discuss the ancient theory of the Bi Syndromes together with different strategies of treatment and acupuncture points. 1 Section What Do You Do When You Don’t Know What to Do? Dr. Yair Maimon PhD OMD Ac. Packed with wisdom, compassion, and clinical pearls, this talk is more than just a lecture—it is a reassuring guide to trust, presence, and effective action in the face of uncertainty. Perfect for practitioners at any stage of their journey, this is one talk you’ll want to return to time and again. CEU/CPD 2 Sections Why Do We Have Neck Pains? Rani Ayal Patients with chronic neck problems are always a challenge in the clinic – many times treatments provide relief of pain and restore mobility but, quite often, the relief is temporary and the issues are never really solved. In this course, Rani Ayal explores the reasons behind neck pains and discuss specific diagnostic techniques, treatment strategies and point selection to improve clinical success. CEU/CPD 4 Sections Working with Dreams in Chinese Medicine Dr. Hamid Montakab MD Much of Dr. Montakab's nearly 50 years of experience practising Chinese Medicine have been dedicated to sleep and dreams. In this course, he shares his insight into the psychological and Chinese theories of dreams and how to use dreams as diagnostic and therapeutic tools in the clinic.