Acupuncture Point Combinations for the Immune System
Over the past two-three years, the coronavirus (Covid) has run rampant worldwide, with millions of people adversely affected. Regarding acupuncture…
Over the past two-three years, the coronavirus (Covid) has run rampant worldwide, with millions of people adversely affected. Regarding acupuncture…
This course examines how to support our patients with Western Herbal Medicine. Jeremy Ross teaches the theoretical background, and Dr Tan-Bleinroth…
Acupuncture is one of the most effective treatments in slowing down or even reversing macular degeneration and reti…
Acupuncture for trauma treatment: Master CT Holman's four-point system for PTSD and emotional trauma. Includes video demos.
Decorated with anecdotes from Chinese Medicine's history and almost 50 years of experience practicing Chinese Medicine this course covers the whole…
During the course, Dr Bartosz Chmielnicki discusses some of the groups of acupuncture points and points combinations used for treating the Shen, su…