Kampo Clinical Approaches to Digestive Disorders
Taking in consideration the Formula Differentiation, the Constitutional Patterns, and the signs and symptoms (with a special attention given to the…
Taking in consideration the Formula Differentiation, the Constitutional Patterns, and the signs and symptoms (with a special attention given to the…
The author presents his experience as MD Specialist in Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine, acupuncture and osteopathy dealing with medial knee pain.…
In this course, Lillian Pearl Bridges, world-renowned “face reader”, teaches how to diagnose and interpret the signs of sexuality and fertili…
In this course, Felip Caudet, shows you how to optimize your practice by using various Japanese moxibustion techniques.
The 1st part of this course focuses on observations of the digestive system according to channel theory. The 2nd part deals with treating digesti…
This course shares a deeper approach to utilizing acupuncture to transform emotions and life. You will understand the inner alchemy of acupun…
In this course, Dr. phil. Dr.rer.med. Dominique Hertzer uses classical medical texts to explore the characteristics…
This course discusses PMS (or, more accurately, “menstrual-related disorder”) in a slightly unconventional fashion, expanding the phenomena awa…
Following the lecture, participants will know more about the general treatment and management of chronic pain conditions and strategies employed by…
In this course, Bartosz Chmielnicki MD discuss the ancient theory of the Bi Syndromes together with different strategies of treatment and acupunctu…