Connecting with Tōng, a Fundamental Concept in TEAM
The word tōng, usually translated as “open” or “penetrate through”, is one of the fundamental concepts in Chinese medicine. In this TCM Ta…
The word tōng, usually translated as “open” or “penetrate through”, is one of the fundamental concepts in Chinese medicine. In this TCM Ta…
This course explores some of the premier gender archetypes among this pantheon of 12 functional “gods”.
In this course, according to Classical Chinese medical texts, Elisabeth Rochat De LaVallée explains the character of 脈, Mai – vessel, vital ci…
Taking us through the ancient text Elisabeth Rochat de laVallée reveals to us the different meanings in which 經 can be understood and enlarge ou…
In these beautifully crafted videos two masters; Dr. Yair Maimon, a Chinese medicine clinical with over 30 years of experience & Tirza Paytan Sela,…
While following Elisabeth Rochat de la Valleé through the symbols of the incredibly well preserved Ma Wang Dui F…
Through a choice of texts coming from different schools, Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée elucidates the classical understanding of MING 明 Light.…
Health cannot be understood without a reference to one’s original or true nature; the inborn dispositions give anyone their robustness and their …
In this course Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée focuses on the answer given in Daoist texts as the Daodejing and explore the link between shan 善 an…