Research and Application of TCM Formulas in Cancer Care


While western medicine practices a reductionist approach, Chinese med- icine is holistic in its nature. This basic difference creates a misalign- ment when communicating and understanding theoretical frameworks between Western medicine and Chinese medicine; a misalignment that has ramifications when conducting research and providing scientific evidence for the use the Chinese medical model.


Book Description

While western medicine practices a reductionist approach, Chinese med- icine is holistic in its nature. This basic difference creates a misalign- ment when communicating and understanding theoretical frameworks between Western medicine and Chinese medicine; a misalignment that has ramifications when conducting research and providing scientific evidence for the use the Chinese medical model.

Dr. Yair Maimon OMD PhD Ac

Dr. Yair Maimon is an internationally renowned figure in the field of Integrative and Chinese Medicine, with over 30 years of clinical, academic, and research experience in the United States, Europe, and Israel. He is the President of the European TCM Association and Vice President of WAFS. Additionally, he is the founder and Dean of the TCM Academy of Integrative Medicine, where he leads the most comprehensive Oncology Acupuncture Online Program.

Dr. Maimon founded and was the head of research at Tal Center of Integrative Oncology, the Oncology department, Sheba Medical Center in Israel. He is also the founder and director of the “Marpe” Integrative Medical Center.

Dr. Maimon’s research in integrative oncology and immunology has resulted in numerous pre-clinical and clinical trials, conducted in collaboration with renowned oncologists and biologists in leading medical centers and research institutes in Israel, the EU, and the US. These research projects have achieved excellent results, which have been published in prominent scientific medical journals and presented in UNESCO. Dr. Maimon is deeply committed to advancing cancer care and prevention, to disseminate the exceptional results of his research in oncology and immunology he founded Lifebiotic, a company that produces innovative formulas designed for the benefit of cancer patients.

He has developed a special insight into the diagnosis and treatment of various autoimmune disorders and cancer, stemming from a deep understanding of the application of natural and Chinese medicine.

In addition to his teaching and research work, Dr. Maimon remains an active clinician in integrative and Chinese medicine, treating numerous patients in both clinic and hospital settings. He is devoted to alleviating suffering and promoting healing.

Maciocia’s contributions to the field of Chinese medicine include several seminal textbooks, such as The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine, and Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Chinese Medicine, which are widely used as reference texts by practitioners all over the world. In 1994, he founded Su Wen Herbs, which produces his line of herbal formulas based on classical Chinese formulae, adapted to address patterns more commonly seen in clinical practice in the West.

Maciocia authored countless articles published in professional journals, formulating innovative and original theories on asthma and allergic rhinitis, as well as M.E. (Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome), which did not exist in the Chinese literature. His insights into the treatment of cancer and usage of herbal medicine are shared in this book.

He was an honorary professor at Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, where his expertise and contributions were acknowledged in the birthplace of his craft, and he was described as the “Father of Chinese Medicine in Europe.”

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