Marilyn Allen

Marilyn Allen, MS

Director, American Acupuncture Council

Marilyn Allen is an expert in practice-building, office management, marketing, and professional ethics and jurisprudence.  

With an MS in management and administration from Pepperdine University, Marilyn carries her business acumen into the classroom and acupuncture industry at large. 

Marilyn never stops seeking opportunities for the advancement of acupuncture locally, nationally, and internationally. 

She is the Public Relations and Marketing Director for the American Acupuncture Council and serves as the US Traditional Medicine/Acupuncture representative to the World Health Organization since 2005. 

Marilyn recently became a founding member of the Steering Committee for the One Voice, Big Evidence Project: 

an international initiative to provide guidance on the implementation of the ICD11 Traditional Medicine codes. 

As an avid reader and writer, Marylin looks to spread the word about the most recent relevant information to the profession and has been the editor of Acupuncture Today since 1999.

Courses by Marilyn Allen

Marilyn Allen Articles


Summer sale: Save up to $350 on all pre-taped CEU courses

Spend $100: save $20; Spend $250: save $65; Spend $500: save $150; Spend $1,000: save $350—applied automatically.
Sale ends 21st August!

Spring into Balance: A 30-Day Wood Element Exploration

Daily Insights into the Energetics of Spring – Transform Your Practice with the Wisdom of Wood