The Case of the Thyroid Gland & Fertility Treatments

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Picture of Miriam Raich & Anat Tzachar

Miriam Raich & Anat Tzachar

The case of the Thyroid Gland & Fertility Treatments

By Anat Tzachar & Miriam Raich

A 38-year-old woman in a same-sex relationship came to us after 4 inseminations and 2 IVF treatments. From 2 retrievals, a total of 4 eggs were harvested with 2 successful fertilizations, but both transfer attempts were unsuccessful. She is about to start a new cycle in a month and a half. 


Her ovarian reserve tests are normal (FSH-6), with a slight hemoglobin deficiency and subclinical hypothyroidism – TSH 6.56 / T4 9.1. 


The doctor recommended another blood test in two months and to continue monitoring.

However, she forgot, and it was not brought up again by her doctor. She has a regular menstrual cycle of 28 days, with heavy, somewhat pale menstrual bleeding accompanied by migraines and fatigue.


She has a sensitive gut, and has not consumed dairy and gluten for two years, yet she still experiences abdominal bloating.

She has gained 6 kilograms in the past six months since COVID-19 (she came to us about 10 months after the first lockdown). Additionally, she has been experiencing anxiety and stress since COVID-19, including rapid heartbeats and dry mouth.


Three years ago, her thyroid gland swelled (likely after a streptococcus virus), for which she was treated with steroids and was under monitoring until it subsided six months later.


Tongue: pale with teeth marks and a thin white coating; it trembles slightly.

Pulse: deep, showing weakness in the HT – LU (upper warmer).


Weakening of Kidney and Spleen Yang, possibly exacerbated by the stress and panic around COVID-19 – affecting the ministerial fire and weakening the warmth and movement in the lower burner.

Also, there is damage to the production of Qi and Blood, weakness of the Ren Mai, and impact on the thyroid gland and its expression of the ovarian reserve. The connection between the thyroid gland and Ren Mai is elaborated on in our lecture.

Treatment Strategy:

  • Strengthen and warm the Spleen and Kidney Yang.
  • Strengthen and build Blood.
  • Replenish the lower burner and nourish Ren Mai.
  • Support the thyroid gland.

We decided on 2 weekly treatments to prepare her for the next protocol. She received the “Strengthen the Middle” formula from iyarherb – herbs with warm, sweet, and aromatic qualities to strengthen Sp & Kid Yang, support the Tai Yin, and transform dampness. 

She was given tailored dietary recommendations focused on warm, cooked foods rich in protein. The patient was very committed and took all recommendations seriously.

Examples of acupuncture treatments performed (details of the treatments themselves are not specified here):

  • Moxa Cv8 + Cv12 + Sp3 + Ki3
  • St9 + 10 + Cv12 moxa + Tw4
  • St37 + 39 + Gb39 + Ki3
  • St12 + St29 moxa + Sp12 (important for supporting Ren mai and replenishing the Bao Zhong area)
  • Cv4 + 6 + 12
  • St36 + Cv 22 + 23.


After a month and a half, blood tests showed improvement – TSH dropped to 3.8 and T4 increased to 12.4.


In the next IVF cycle, 6 eggs were retrieved, 4 of which were fertilized (2 were frozen). The patient was successful on her second transfer. The doctor did not recommend thyroid medication.


P.S. She came to us after pregnancy for treatment of subclinical hypothyroidism (with antibodies present in the blood). Fortunately, we managed to balance this without medication.

n 2013, Anat Tzachar & Miriam Raich, founded “Chinese Medicine for The Family”, a privet clinic for women and children’s health. 


In 2015, they began teaching post graduals gynaecology courses and seminars along with teaching the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, both subjects close to their hearts.

Anat has been practising Chinese Medicine since 1998. Her biggest love and passion in her work goes to women’s health; menstrual disorders, fertility, pregnancy and labor, menopause etc.


Miriam has been practising Chinese Medicine since 2000; she is also a Bach Flower Therapist and incorporates both in her work.  Miriam specialises in Women’s health and Pediatrics and has studied with some of the leading teachers in this field. Besides being a health practitioner, Miriam managed the clinical division of the Chinese medicine program at the Hebrew University between 2000 and 2015.

Their course Hypothyroidism & Infertility: The Mystery of Ren Mai is now available. 

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